Using Cloudflare Zero Trust

I want to really lock down access to my MainWp dashboard so only my team can see it for security purposes.

I have set up access through cloudflare rules that only certain ip addresses can get to the site, this has worked well when at our home office address but we have now begun using starlink Roam and about to work from our caravan.

The IP changes and this is getting annoying. I have been looking at Using Cloudflare Zero Trust, this looks like a good option but curious to know if anyone has set this up and how well it plays with MainWP, love to get some advice on its set up and usability

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I have set it up to protect wp-admin and wp-login using Github as my authentication. I then use dashboard lock to redirect the front end to my services page on my production site and to allow uptime monitoring and patchstack access. I also use my custom WAF rules to protect the rest of the front end.

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Awesome, thanks Eric that has been a huge help, at least now I know it can be done.
I have not used Zero trust before, not sure on the exact way of setting it up for this situation. I have watched a few instructions of setting up Zero trust and still not 100% sure on how to get it working correctly. It would be amazing if you could point me to a tutorial or give me some pointers on what I should know.

I did have to do a bypass on Zero Trust for my child sites (IP based, but they are my servers). I will try and do a write up, but I don’t really have any guides I used.

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That whould be fantastic if you could do a write up :slight_smile:

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We use a Zero Trust Access Application configured with SAML, and a CloudFlare Tunnel to lockdown our MainWP instance hosted on a small AWS EC2 instance. This means;

  1. Zero open ports on the server (not 443; 80, nor 22)
  2. Users have to login via our identity provider (Google Workspace in our case) which is configured in Zero Trust authentication settings.

If you are going to go the CF Zero Trust route, this would be a good configuration I believe.

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