Originally published at: Using Diffy Service to Compare Before and After Plugin Updates on your Site - MainWP WordPress Management
Being able to easily run a visual compare when plugins have been updated on your site and then to make sure that nothing was broken visually can be a very complex process to deal with. But there is a solid service which deals with this called Diffy. Diffy also provides an easy to use WordPress…
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Really been enjoying using Diffy over the past few months. I run it before and after my weekly theme/plugin/WP core updates to catch any unanticipated issues.
Would really like to automate the process a bit more so I can run it via the MainWP dashboard, hopefully will have some time over the holidays to look into writing an extension.
Diffy is very solid.
Does anyone have tested https://hexowatch.com/ (what we are using) compared to Diffy?
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