Originally published at: Using the GuardGiant plugin to protect from brute-force attacks - MainWP WordPress Management
Protecting your site from brute-force attacks, limiting login attempts, limit login errors from showing can be a pain to deal with on your child sites. There is a very recent plugin called GuardGiant which handles a whole number of those security features all in one easy to use plugin. After you have installed and activated…
Sebastian, thanks for sharing the great tool. Is this your plugin or someone you know? If I go by what folks suggest on using new plugins, it’s tough to make the jump. Questions I always ask, are how long has the plugin been around? How often is it updated? How many other websites use it? Popularity, history of the author, involvement, comparisons or why this plugin over others, etc. Sorry if I overlooked these details somewhere…
It is a plugin that I know of and have used. GuardGiant is a very recent plugin since it only has two releases. Since the plugin is so recent it currently does not have very many active installs. But it is a better option than more bloated security plugins that are commonly used.
Thank you. It sounds like you got adventurous and found a good one…
I may check back in a year, as I’m experimenting with some Brute Force options now. BBQ, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, Loginizer, VirusDie, etc. I’m finally getting around to using some MainWP plugin management.
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