Woocommerce products in pro-reports how to?

How does one include woocommerce product adding/updates in the pro reports? Not finding anything on it in my searches.

Hey @Nictrt

Right now, it’s not possible to include WooCommerce product creation or product updates in Pro Reports.

You can find a list of available WooCommerce tokens in our KB: Available Pro Reports Tokens - MainWP Knowledgebase

In case you would so inclined, there is a possibility of creating a custom token.
We have a filter for adding custom tokens to Pro Reports:

You would need to write custom code to fetch the data via APIs or some other means and either store it in the database or return and display the API data directly through the tokens without saving it in the database.

And then, finally, create a custom Pro Report template that includes your custom tokens: Pro Reports extension overview - MainWP Documentation

Thank you Bojan. Is it perhaps something that’s on the feature roadmap seeing that woocommerce is so widely used?

There’s an open suggestion about this on our feedback site: Get woocommerce product updates and creation in report - MainWP

We are always expanding MainWP with features our users want the most, so please give it a vote if you would like to see it implemented.

Ok thanks man, will do

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