I’m trying the MainWP Woocommerce Status Extension, and just noticed a small bug with column sorting :
The order is wrong for numeric values :
Sales This Month => If the currency is before the number, it’s placed before sites who have currency after price, even if the value is larger (order by desc) :
Look like it’s ordered alphabetically, not with natsort or something like that.
Same problems with all last columns showing X Products and X Orders.
I couldn’t replicate the issue. The position of the currency symbol appears to be purely visual, and the list is sorted by the amount.
The sorting for the last columns also seems to be fine. Not sure how the last three columns might be affected, considering they all have the same order of data, a value, and then a descriptor: e.g., “2 Products”.
For the sales, I was thinking it could be a locale problem ? The first 0,00€ has a comma decimal separator
For the second one, maybe it’s the £ symbol ?