WP Rocket / Bug


On the MainWP management interface of WP Rocket, some elements are not displaying (see screenshot). How can I fix this issue?

And another bug, much less problematic: when using the dropdown menu at the top left, it’s possible to hide or show the WP Rocket plugin, but using the “…” button has no effect.

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Hey @Elyaz

Thanks for reporting this to us.

Both of these issues have already been fixed and will be included in the next release of Rocket add-on.

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Oh nice :slight_smile:

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Hello, the correction seems to be available, but the table has disappeared from MainWP :confused:

How to choose one or more services to exclude? :confused:

So, the table has disappeared in the configuration for a specific website, but for the global configuration, it is still there and still not displaying correctly :

And a small note: the new WPRocket option to enable hosting of Google Fonts is missing (a very important option).

Thanks for pointing this out to us @Elyaz.

I’ve managed to reproduce it and passed it along to our dev team.

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