November 11, 2021, 11:09am
Please take a look at this topic I started 6 months ago…
As a new pro user I tried the WP-Rocket extension today.
I did some work at my websites today around 13:00. After that I emptied the WP-Rocket cache and after that preload the WP-Rocket cache, using the WP_Rocket extension.
I got a message on my MainWP dashboard telling me that everything went successfully.
However a few hours later I look at my NewRelic performance monitoring dashboard and I see much longer loading times for all my sites, starting around the time I used the WP-Rocket extensi…
Bogdan told me the devs from mainWP would look at this issue, however this issue is still here today!
I updated WordPress to the latest version today and after that I had to go to the Admin for all my connected websites to clear and preload the cache.
The only thing the MainWP extension does is clearing the cache, preloading is still not working at all.
Bogdan; did your devs take a look at this issue? can you please give me an update? This bug costs me a lot of extra time when updating my websites.
(Bogdan Rapaić)
November 15, 2021, 4:44pm
Hi Alwin,
My apologies for the inconvenience. They did check this and they failed to duplicate the problem.
Please open a helpdesk ticket so I can assign it to them and have them look into this.
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December 15, 2021, 4:45pm
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