Bulk Settings Manager - missing pagination


The Bulk Settings Manager extension ( is missing pagination on the “Key Rings” tab, so it’s not possible to search, manage and publish all key rings.

@kwcjr has there been any progress on this ticket? Thanks

@rickyT This is a Feature request ticket. There needs to be votes in order for us to start making any progress.
However, I can see how this can be a bit of a pain when there are a decent amount of Key Rings. I will reach out to the dev team to see if this can be added quicker.

Thanks Keith - much appreciated. I should have logged this as a bug.

Does this other ticket also need to be re-categorized? It’s perhaps the biggest issue that we’re facing right now, and it’s getting worse.

@rickyT No, Boilerplate Extension - publishing process times out isn’t technically a bug and more a specific use case. The only recommendation for you at this time is to process in smaller batches. You may open a regular Support - MainWP WordPress Management ticket and we can check your setup out in more detail over there if you wish.

Which specific use case are you referring to?

@rickyT "Use case as in the conversation in the other post.

To give you an update on this ticket the Dev Team is looking into adding the Pagination to the Key Rings tab.

We will update this thread when there is a Patch. Thank you for your patience.

Thanks for the update on the Pagination issue - much appreciated.

Our use case for the Boilerplate Extension is basically what the plugin is supposed to achieve - quickly publishing multiple pages to multiple sites. Is that outside of the scope of the plugin?


Version 4.0.3 has completely broken ALL pagination in this plugin!

Previously, only Key Rings pagination was missing, now the Keys tab pagination is not working either.

“Show X Entries” dropdown shows a blank page.
Search shows a blank page.
Next / Previous buttons are all greyed out.

As you can imagine, this is extremely frustrating.

@rickyT I can understand how frustrating things can get for sure. Welcome to working on internet related issues…

Try clearing your cache ??

Yes, cache cleared, etc…

What are the next steps?

@kwcjr - is a fix on the way?

If not, where can I download the previous version of the plugin? We need to perform an urgent rollback for our team who are currently stuck.

@rickyT Here are the last two versions for your to test.

v4.0.2.1 - Dropbox - File Deleted

V4.0.2 - Dropbox - File Deleted

Also as mentioned above:

You may open a regular mainwp.com/support ticket and we can check your setup out in more detail over there if you wish.

Thanks @kwcjr - I performed a manual rollback, but the following error now appears when using the plugin. I tried disabling and re-activating the plugin, but no luck.

What’s the best way to get around this?

@rickyT Can you please open a full support ticket so that our team can get to the bottom of this? Please include TMP Admin access to your MainWP Installation in your opening request to expedite the process.

Hi @kwcjr - the bug caused by the rollback might be a distraction from the original request, which is to fix pagination on both the Key Ring and Key tabs.

Has the team on your side been able to achieve that?

Hi Ricky,

Can you please try this version:

Hi @bogdan - thanks, but no luck with that version either.

Given the urgency, we’ve edited “mainWPBulkSettingsManager.class.php:113” so the max results is 1000, and no longer needs pagination.

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Ok, thanks for the update. We will check this again.

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