Hello, I cannot upload a file when attempting to install a plugin. I also get this message when trying to upload files to child sites: Could not save uploaded file! Anyone else having this problem?
Hi @jeffsmith3275, I have seen this problem a couple of times and it happens when server doesn’t allow MainWP Dashboard to upload files. In most cases that I have seen, it was a problem caused by disabled tmpfile()
PHP function.
Can you please check the Server Information on your MainWP Dashboard and check the Disabled Functions section, if you see that tmpfile()
is one of the disabled functions, please contact your hosts support and have them enable it for you. If the function is not disabled, please recheck permissions for the ../wp-content/uploads/mainwp/
directory on your MainWP Dashboard server.
Let us know how it goes.
@bogdan, you are 100% right. After excluding the function from disabled list, everything is working perfectly again!
Thank you!