Hello Everyone - my MainWP is not generating data inside client reports even though i can see all the tokens in place. any advice pls? ( i am sure i am doing wrong but just can’t figure it out )
Hey @sagalian,
When you say “i can see all the tokens in place” - where exactly are you referring to, which page?
Have you filled out the Reports Tokens on each Child Site > Edit Page?
Keith thanks for the reply. Yes i have client details via Edit Site but actually I meant when i generate report it doesn’t show stats, like number of backups, security scan information, how many times plugins were updated, google analytics stats etc. i am sorry if i have caused a confusion!!
@sagalian Oh ok, yeah now I am following a bit better. Would you be able to send us your System Reports?
MainWP Dashboard > Status > Server > Copy System Report for the MainWP Community
Child Site > Settings > MainWP Child > Server Information > Click the blue button.
Hi, what was the solution? We had the issue on our site. Pro Reports are generated but the data for the ist missing. so no backups, updates etc. is displayed in the report.
@thelm Please open a support ticket if you are having the same issue. This thread has gone stale.
Please open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.
@sagalianAre you still in need of help on this topic? If not we will close within a period of non-response.
Thank you .