Hiya all,
I am using Cloudways Safeupdates to update our websites automatically. Due to this approach the Non-MainWP actions list fills up immensely over time.
I do not like to manually go over these lists to remove them as Cloudways Safeupdates assures correct updates. So I needed a way to remove them through a scheduled cronjob.
Thus I wrote a small MainWP CLI extension, please find the github below. I extended the class of MainWP CLI interface so it is in line with existing implementation.
wp mainwp delete_actions
remove non-mainwp actions from child sites
wp mainwp delete_actions [<websiteid>] [--all]
The id (or ids, comma separated) of the child sites that need to be synced.
If set, non-mainwp actions from all child sites will be removed
wp mainwp delete_action 2,5
wp mainwp delete_action --all
Maybe this can be put in MainWP itself or at least be of use to someone else.