Hi everyone!
So I got the mainwp and starting to fiddle with it. I got the report pro however whenever trying to produce a report it says “error reporting data”
I got the child hooked up and also the child report plugin installed on the child site. On mainwp I got the pro report installed and dashboard. Site is connected however I have some UX problem and function problem.
First problem on the send report page I cannot see the website to send the report to…however when switching tabs to group I can see it in the group I have put the child site in so I checked that.
Second problem is when clicking preview or produce odd it shows “error producing data” of that child site. During producing it…it gives a checkmark of that website before producing the report, so also no red flags there.
The licences are validated and all green and wp is latest version along other plugins.
Php version is 7.3 and no particular red flags I can see. Is this a common problem ?