I have two annoying performance/site to site conversation issues that I’d like input on, and hopefully the key to solving them.
First of all, just to let you know, I manage my own server and can make any changes I need to. All my sites (including the MainWP Dashboard) are on this web server and all have the same IP address. I currently have 25 sites connected to MainWP.
When I initiate Sync Dashboard with Child Sites, often but not always one or two will come back with the yellow exclamation point (!). I can then retry just the “failed” sites, and they will sync just fine. However, I don’t know why they return this “warning” and “fail” to begin with. I have played with the settings a lot, and nothing I’ve tried seems to solve this issue. This issue seems to have come up sometime around the upgrade to PHP8. I didn’t have this happening before, and it’s not a HUGE problem, but annoying that I don’t know the reason. Any thoughts?
When I try updating multiple sites via the MainWP interface, 2 or 3 will work then the next one or two will not complete, and hold up all others in the queue, and I have to close the pop-up/progress box, and there will be one or two of my sites left in maintenance mode for a couple of minutes, until they can be accessed once again. When I get back into them, they are back to still needing an update. So, I can’t use MainWP to update multiple sites anymore. It used to work perfectly fine with the same number of sites. And if I go to the site’s wp-admin, and perform any kind of an update, they almost never fail and they never get stuck in maintenance mode for any period of time.
So, I feel like communication between the MainWP dashboard and the connected sites is getting halted or broken in both of these issues, and I’m not sure where to go from here.
I will paste my server status report here for you to look at, but it definitely could be a security measure applied by a “threat team” technician, since I have a Secure Server Plus package added to my web server plan, but again, I’m at a loss as to how to track down where these issues are coming from.