I found this documentation about how to create a basic MainWP extension.
The final code has errors and doesn’t run. The way the PHP file is structured, it also appears to be called on all pages within the MainWP dashboard.
Can the documentation be updated please? Trying to figure this out quickly.
Or, if someone has a very basic example of pushing and pulling data from child sites I’d be interested in taking a look.
(Bogdan Rapaić)
May 23, 2020, 8:12pm
Hi @rickyT , we are refactoring code and working on a new codex.
For the current code, please feel free to send it to me so I can have our dev team check what is wrong.
May 24, 2020, 12:14am
I would also love to get this particular function to work (sending admin notices to child sites). I have already sent in a support ticket for this post being outdated. Any news on this one?
Would love to have this exact functionality and learn from it.
Thanks in advance.
After spending a few hours, I now have the dashboard alerts extension working properly.
I’m surprised the MainWP documentation provides new customers with bad code. This is a $400 plugin!
Is there a github project for this extension? I’ll submit a pull request so that everyone can use it.
(Bogdan Rapaić)
May 28, 2020, 10:48am
The MainWP code is being refactored and new codex is in process.
As soon as this is done, the example extension will be updated too.
June 27, 2020, 11:01am
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