Thanks, but some of the settings are not just UpdraftPlus. How do I best use Supported tokens: %sitename%, %siteurl%
If I name my vault to MainWP, should I set S3 location to “MainWP/ %siteurl%” to be able to keep the sites apart?
How do I use these tokens…?
Thanks! I did search for Updraftplus and the shortcodes, but were unable to find something. Therefore I thought the tokens were made for the MainWP-plugin. Once again, thanks!
Actually, I noticed that the %sitename%, %siteurl% strings were not displayed within the UDP plugin - I did a bit more digging into the MainWP UDP Extension code and you are correct, the %sitename%, %siteurl% is added there.
It should still work how you intend though if S3 allows it as these “Placeholder Strings” are simply replaced with the actual data…