I wasn’t sure if it was best to this in Support or Bug so I’ll just list any we find or know about here.
This topic will be locked and stickied.
If you find a conflict please start a new topic including the steps to reproduce, any screen captures you have and only describe one bug per topic, please. Once we verify the issue we will add it to this list.
Hat Tip to @jandrwallace for pushing for this
WP Cerber - Security Plugin
iThemes Security - Security Plugin
If you are having trouble accessing the child site via your MainWP Dashboard disable “filter long URL strings” under “System Tweaks” and the problem should be resloved.
WordFence - Security Plugin
Original Thread: Code snippet clashes w/ Wordfence
Wordfence plugin on a child site my sometimes keep MainWP Code Snippets from running/saving.
- [FIX] Whitelist the MainWP Server IP on Child Site Wordfence Settings or Enable Learning Mode in Wordfence